Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A-Weigh We Go

I've decided to start Weight Watchers. Went to the meeting tonight on my way to dance class. Gonna officially start tomorrow. I weighed in at only 2 lbs more than when I started Weight Watchers 4 years ago. While it is high, not gonna say how high, at least it is controlled right? Thank goodness for dance class! If I hadn't found Classic Tap I don't know where I'd be right now.

photo via Diane Inskeep Photography

I'm looking pretty big there in the orange
and 4 of those ladies have had babies. YIKES! Last time I did Weight Watchers I did pretty well, lost my 10%. Then my Paw Paw passed away and I quit, and it snowballed from there. But, enough is enough, and I'm gonna DO IT! You'll see one skinny bride on my wedding day, and healthy too. Stay tuned for progress reports.

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