Wednesday, February 4, 2009

...and away we go!!!

I follow so many blogs now, I thought I should try my hand at writing one. Hmmm, I think I will start by introducing the dogs I live with, of which there are 5. First we have Annie Duke...She was our first house dog. She is the granddame of the house; wise, calm, and sometimes moody. She can also do tricks which I've never seen lapdogs do before, have you? Then she had a puppy that we couldn't resist keeping, Dixie...
She is a tiny treasure, weighing in at 3.5 lbs dripping wet. She's hardly any trouble at all, except when she sees a critter out the window. Her little bark is shriiiiilllll!!! Then came McGuirk (named after a cartoon character)...
Everyone warned us not to get a boy, they pee on everything. Boy, were they right! I've even seen him lift his leg on the girls. Then we ended up as foster parents of the twins, Mick & Fly...
These guys are, what's more than a handful?____ That's what they are. They manage to make trouble where no one could foresee trouble. They are why I can't have nice things. They've destroyed many socks, pens, rolls of stamps, etc. They can even find their way up onto tables and desks to get whatever their little hearts desire. But they are too cute for words; when they're sleeping!